Can you translate the following cat scan reading for sinus issues? FINDINGS: The right frontal sinuses are hypoplastic. The right maxillary sinus infundibulum/outflow tract demonstrates mild, somewhat occlusive mucoperiosteal thickening. The remaining sinuses demonstrate only minimal mucosal thickening; no air-fluid level to suggest acute infection. The hypopneumatized left mastoid air cells contain a trace amount of fluid in the mastoid tip. Incidentally noted is thinning and possible dehiscence of the arcuate eminence adjacent to the left superior semicircular canal. No soft tissue swelling is seen. Visualized portion of the brain is unremarkable. The pterygoid plates, orbital walls, zygomatic arch, mandible and ethmoids are unremarkable. Mild degenerative changes of the right mandibular condyle are noted. There is no evidence of facial bone fracture. Findings were confirmed on the sagittal and coronal reformats. Impression: 1. Mild mucoperiosteal thickening obstructing the right ostiomeatal unit. No evidence of active sinusitis. 2. Incidental note of thinning and possible dehiscence of the arcuate eminence above the left superior semicircular canal, of uncertain significance. Correlate for symptoms of SSCD.